How to keep your water level in check

FOR people with healthy kidneys it should be perfectly safe to drink two cups of water an hour or six to eight glasses of water a day. However, drinking too much water in rapid succession can lead to severe vomiting and nausea. Here are other ways to monitor your water intake;

1. Weigh yourself daily for a week to know your hydration level: Your body weight shouldn’t fluctuate too much. If it does, it could be a sign that you have an irregular water drinking habit.

2. Aim to wake feeling hydrated: If you’re thirsty when you get out of bed in the morning, you may not be consuming enough fluids, so drink some water before going to bed.

3. Coffee, tea, and watery fruits and vegetables count toward fluid intake: Every liquid substance you swallow has got water in it. It is important to measure the amount of fluid being taken so that you can balance your water level out.

4. Start the day lowly:  Sleep is a six- to eight-hour rest period, so if you drink three cups of juice or water right away, you’ll trigger the wrong response from your body. Runners have also collapsed by drinking too much water quickly.

Access to potable water in 2005.

Access to potable water in 2005. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Pillars for progress on the right to health: Harnessing the potential of human rights through a Framework Convention on Global Health


Each year, nearly 20 million people die—one in three global deaths—as a result of inequities between richer countries and the rest of the world and within low- and mid-income countries.1 A child entering the world today in sub-Saharan Africa has a life expectancy more than a quarter century shorter than a child born in a wealthy country.2 Women in the poorest quintile in Southern Asia are five times less likely to be attended by a skilled birth attendant than those in the wealthiest quintile.3 The comparable disparity between wealthier and poorer women in ………….

 Incorporating the right to health into national law and policy

National legal and policy reform should begin at the top, incorporating the right to health into the constitution. A constitutional right to health does not guarantee that the government will respect the right or that health outcomes will improve. However, it does provide a foundation for action, whether catalyzing legal and policy reforms or unlocking the potential for litigation to enforce this right where other routes (e.g., constitutional right to life, judicially enforceable international treaties, and legislation) are unavailable or insufficient.

Incorporating the right to health does not require wholesale constitutional reform, but rather can be incorporated as a separate constitutional amendment. Civil society campaigns could valuably direct national attention to this ………………
Building right-to-health capacity

A right-to-health capacity-building fund in an FCGH could support these efforts. WHO could train and designate a human rights point person in each of its country offices. Such point people will need to closely collaborate with partners to ensure that their impact extends beyond the health ministry.

United Nations Human Rights Council logo.

United Nations Human Rights Council logo. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Policymakers will need to be convinced of the link between the right to health and improved health outcomes. For example, they need to be convinced that public participation in health decision making and community-based accountability structures indeed impacts health services and health outcomes. More research is needed, but evidence is emerging.26 Organizations supporting these types of mechanisms should carefully monitor and evaluate their impact, and explore possibilities for linking with researchers to develop rigorous evidence of success. Foundations should fund this research and the community monitoring efforts themselves. The health impacts of these empowering community mechanisms can be every bit as great as many of the most powerful biological medicines. …………….

CLICH HERE FOR FULL REVIEW BY Eric A. Friedman and Lawrence O. Gostin 

Taming your tummy

If your tummy is larger than your waist line, you have a higher chance of reducing the size of your brain and developing a heart disease. Rita Ohai writes.

ALTHOUGH it is common knowledge that Nigerians are generally susceptible to a pot belly due to their high-carbohydrate and fatty diet, very few know the potential risks they expose themselves to when they relish heavy meals like pounded yam and egusi at odd intervals.

Due to the festive lifestyle of the average Nigerian, most people with large stomachs run the risk of having significantly smaller brains by the time they reach their 50s than their flat-belly counterparts.

Dr. Florence Ibeh, a resident doctor explains, “Having a ‘pot belly’ in middle age raises the risk of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia (forgetfulness or memory loss) because abdominal fat is more ‘metabolically active’ and is recognized as the most dangerous, hidden type of fat which can block the blood vessel going to the brain and limit oxygen supply.”

Ibeh believes the dangerous effects of abdominal obesity on the brain may start long before the signs of dementia appear.

In line with applying caution when matters of the waist are concerned, researchers state that even if your belt buckled somewhere between flat and semi-fat, you were not home-free.

They found that adding a few inches to the waist increased the risk of damage in the arteries, even if body weight remained within the normal range.

Nutritionist and health consultant, Boye Ajibade enlightens, “People who are overweight or obese have an increased risk of developing heart disease. The risks are even higher when fat is mainly concentrated around the abdomen.

“What’s important is that people consider their body shape as well as their weight. Controlling both by eating less and being more active is an effective way to reduce your risk of heart and circulatory disease.”

Tamasic and rajastic India ! Obesity ! /  मोटा...

Tamasic and rajastic India ! Obesity ! / मोटापा / ಸ್ಥೂಲಕಾಯತೆ (Photo credit: artist in doing nothing)


Tips for managing depression

Eat healthy- sugar, alcohol and simple carbohydrates may help you feel better in the moment, but will catch up and have the opposite effect (for more on this, read Potatoes Not Prozac by Kathleen DesMaisons, Ph.D.)

Move your body- even if it’s a five minute walk at lunch, movement helps circulation.  Exercise improves all bodily systems, brings oxygen into your cells, releases endorphins that improve mood, and tires you physically (improving nighttime sleep).

Nourish relationships with yourself and others – we tend to isolate and disconnect from those most able to help us through difficult times (including our own internal support); make an effort to call someone or spend some ‘quality’ time with your Self

Recognize patterns in your day- watch for certain times of the day when your mood changes, notice what’s happening around you at that time and see if there’s a connection; do something different (if you tend to get low after lunch, does a walk help?)

Meditate- meditation helps us to interrupt our negative self-thinking, and connects us to something more than our personal issues (the key to meditation is not in stopping thoughts, but in watching them).

Listen to your body- our gut reactions or instincts are often full of wisdom; many of us dismiss or minimise what our bodies are telling us and try to talk ourselves into feeling differently



Children’s Cereal: Healthy Start or Junk Food?

Imagine you are 5 years old. In the supermarket cereal aisle. Towering above you are rows upon rows of cardboard boxes, brightly colored like construction paper, and emblazoned with your favorite mascots or silly characters that seem to hug you from their perch on the shelves. Sure, there are some understated choices—the simple yellow Cheerios box, offering up a bowl of mutely-colored rings. But remember, you’re 5. You’re more likely drawn to the rainbow of fun featured on the Fruity Pebbles package. Not only does this cereal come techicolored, but it’s got Fred Flintstone on the box. You wish you could go barefoot and drive a car with your feet…. you tug at your mom and begin begging: “Please, please, please, can we get Fruity Pebbles?!!”

Pebbles (the fruity and cocoa versions) was ranked the least nutritious cereal in a recent report by Yale University’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity that lambasted cereal companies for peddling their poorest choices to kids.

Yale decided to check up on the food industry’s plan to police itself—the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative. Formed in 2006, the initiative called for promoting healthy foods and lifestyles to kids. Two years later, Yale studied the cereal market and reviewed the landscape last year. The first report found that companies were “doing zero marketing of their healthiest cereals,” to kids, says Kelly Brownell, a Yale University professor of psychology who directs the Rudd Center. Today, “the number is still zero,” and, furthermore, “they’re doing aggressive marketing of their least healthy foods.



Weight Loss and Fitness Tips


First of all, you might want to try checking your BMI or Body Mass Index. You can search up the Internet for a BMI calculator and all you need to input is your weight and height. This tells you if you are well within the normal range of weight for people with your height. From this you will know if you really needed weight loss and how much do you need to exercise for health and fitness.


You must also check your BMR or the Basal Metabolic Rate which tells how much calories you should take in a day. This is the necessary number of calorie so that you would have enough energy to function. This information is important because it would tell you when to stop eating or how much do you need to moderate when it comes to food. In this way, you could eat pretty much anything you want given that it is within the required number of calories for you in a day.


From this, you could now compute many calories you burn in a day, depending on your lifestyle and the type of workout you do, using the Harris Benedict Formula. If you still have not started working out and even if you do not do anything in the day aside from surfing the internet, do not worry because you still burn a little more than the required number of calories you take in a day.
Upon calculation, you will now know how you could adjust to your caloric needs. Your fitness and weight training every day shall revolve around these numbers.

Українська: Індекс маси тіла людини

Українська: Індекс маси тіла людини (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


For your diet plan, you would have to work with your caloric needs. As mentioned earlier, your caloric intake must not exceed the amount you normally burn. This is because any excess would then be converted and stored energy into fats, which is not good for your health and your figure. So, all you have to do is to eat food in moderation. This does not mean that you have to deprive yourself of the nutrition you enjoy eating but just make sure that you eat fresh foods. Make sure that you consume more fruits and vegetables and drink lots of water to avoid dehydration. Check out my new ebook “Eat Healthy to Lose Pounds”. It’s all about healthy eating guidelines without giving up your favorite foods or starving yourself.



Typical Electronic Health Record Use in Primary Care Practices and the Quality of Diabetes Care

INTRODUCTION: Encouraging the adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) in primary care settings has been an objective of federal health policy since 2004, when the Bush administration set the goal of universal EHR use within 10 years. Since that time, the use of EHR technology has been identified as a central component of the patient-centered medical home model endorsed by primary care professional organizations in the United States.1,2 Through passage of the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act in 2009, Congress and the Obama administration have reaffirmed the objective of increasing adoption of ambulatory care EHRs. HITECH includes incentives for physicians to implement and “meaningfully use” EHR technology, and has funded Regional Extension Centers (RECs) to assist care providers in meeting these objectives.3,4 Underlying these policy developments is the assumption that EHR use, if meaningful, will improve the safety, quality, and efficiency of the US health care system.

PURPOSE: Recent efforts to encourage meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) assume that widespread adoption will improve the quality of ambulatory care, especially for complex clinical conditions such as diabetes. Cross-sectional studies of typical uses of commercially available ambulatory EHRs provide conflicting evidence for an association between EHR use and improved care, and effects of longer-term EHR use in community-based primary care settings on the quality of care are not well understood.

METHODS: We analyzed data from 16 EHR-using and 26 non–EHR-using practices in 2 northeastern states participating in a group-randomized quality improvement trial. Measures of care were assessed for 798 patients with diabetes. We used hierarchical linear models to examine the relationship between EHR use and adherence to evidence-based diabetes care guidelines, and hierarchical logistic models to compare rates of improvement over 3 years.



HCG Ultra Drops to Help Your Weight Drop


Dietary options today can cost a health-conscious American thousands of dollars each year, and the results may be short-lived. And like you have probably already seen, they are all over the internet in blogs and success stories of people who have apparently used diet aids and lost a ton of weight. But we here at Fox News are a little skeptical and aren’t sure that we’ve seen any real proof that these diet aids work for weight loss. So we decided to put these products to the test. What better way to find out the truth than to conduct our own study?

To get started, I volunteered to be the guinea pig. I applied for 2 bottles of HCG Ultra. While there are tons of diet aid ads online, HCG Ultra is one of the most credible and trustworthy suppliers on the market. Another reason why I chose HCG Ultra is because it comes with a 30-day money back guarantee – easily the longest on the market. With nothing to lose, I decided to take the plunge.

Here is what HCG Ultra claims on their website…

  • Lose 1-2 Pounds Daily! Permanently!
  • No Hunger Pains, Maintain Muscle Tone, Feel Great!
  • Equally as Effective as Clinical Injections. Save Money & NO Pain!
  • Made in the USA! FDA Compliant! All Natural & Completely Safe!
  • HCG Ultra is YOUR Solution! Guaranteed Results!



Eating disorders affect millions of teens and young adults around the world. They’re most common in cultures that focus on weight and body image and can affect people of all races and ethnic backgrounds. Extreme focus on appearance often leads to poor body image and unhealthy eating behaviors, which can turn into eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating disorder, or a category called eating disorders not otherwise specified (ED-NOS). Eating disorders have serious health consequences and require treatment. Recovery is likely with the help of specially trained health care providers and a supportive family. We hope this guide will help you understand eating disorders, the different kinds of treatment, and the recovery process.

What are eating disorders?

Eating disorders are complicated medical and psychological conditions that affect a person’s physical and emotional health and involve intense emotions and behaviors around food. Eating disorders are very dangerous illnesses and can lead to permanent consequences if left untreated.

The four types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS).

  1. Anorexia (pronounced: an-or -rex-e-ah) involves food restriction (limiting or not having certain foods or food groups). People with anorexia drastically limit their food intake and have an intense fear of gaining weight, even though they may be underweight or they are losing a lot of weight…CLICK SOURCE FOR MORE

Reviving Vaccines Production in Nigeria

It’s a move aimed at bridging the gap between demand and supply of vaccines in Nigeria. May & Baker, one of Nigeria’s foremost pharmaceutical company, has concluded plans to begin production of routine vaccines such as Bacillus Chalmette Guerin, BCG, hepatitis and diphtheria, tetanus and pertusis, DPT; oral polio vaccine, OPV, measles and yellow fever, in Nigeria.

But this is an effort that started in 2005 when May & Baker signed a memorandum of understanding, MOU, with the Federal Ministry of Health to revitalise the moribund Federal Vaccine Production Laboratory, FVPL, Yaba, Lagos. By 2007, the company, in partnership with the federal government renewed a joint venture agreement, JVA, that led to the establishment of a company named Biovaccines Nigeria Limited, for the production of vaccines in Nigeria. Now, the pharmaceutical company has commenced construction of a new vaccine plant to be sited in Ota, Ogun State, with a view to starting production of yellow fever vaccines within 18 months.

Nnamdi Okafor, managing director and chief executive officer, CEO, May & Baker, said the company went into local production of vaccines, because it had always desired to show the way forward for the health care industry.